The best way to spend an evening with your family is to get your hands invovled in craft!!!

Had enough of presents being scattered around the tree with no order looking messy? seek no more as this reindeer offers a unique and creative way of presenting your gifts under the tree and the best thing is it is simply build by your very hands! Earn ur bragging rights as the ultimate craft king by creating this one of a kind handmade marvel! This reindeer will create wonder amongs your friends and putting your skill and creativity as the main focus of this years christmas gathering!

my classmates and i decided to decorate our school office in a unique and attractive way. we paired up and tasks were split to each team and later we would bring our finished projects together to create the finished product in our office as youll see later on. my partner and i decided to make the raindeer carrying gifts accompanied by a handmade carpet. this is was our senior year project and we are all proud of what we have accomplished. under the watchfull eye of our design teacher Mrs Olga we created a home atmosphere in the center of our bussy school office.

to save time we bought the raindeer (but i will tell you how to make it later on), some white paint, a silver ribbon and come rope. we covered all our surfaces including ourselves to minimise the paint getting everywere. we used my schools paint brushes and the school camera to record our progress and final result. for the carpet my classmate used a rectangular piece of cardboard, 2types of rope (in our case a silver and gray type) and some thin pieces of string. a pen would come in handy alongside a ruler.


1. use a saw to cut the wood in the desired shapes. one piece must be for the head, one for the antlers,the legs and the tain. ull need a rectangular shaped piece of wood to created the base of the deer. then ull need small narrow pieces of wood,each the same length as the rectangular base.

2. glue all these pieces to make the deer as shown in the picture below


3. place the deer on the protected surface and use a paintbrush to apply the white paint evenly on all the surfaces (make sure to consider having to move the deer so leave an area unpainted till the end allowing you to move it around)

allow the deer to dry before applying a second coat of paint preventing dripping if too much paint is applied in the first place


1. Cut the cardboard in the desired shape and size

2. us the pen to draw equally spaced diagnal lines on the cardboard. after that make 2 lines close to the edge perpendicular to the previous lines. it should look something like this:

received_7492832351582023. cut along the lines until the cut meets the perpendicular line you have recently drawn

received_7492832318248694. use the thin string and tie it tightly through these cuts along the cardboard. the string must be directly on the equally spaced lines

5. use the strings to weave in the rope. seperate the rope in to the two different colours. take one piece and weave it first under the first string, then over the next,then under the 3rd string. repeat next with the next colour except now start in the oposite order (over,under,over etc) this step should look like this:


6. continue this pattern until the end. place a black material on the end to cover up the loose ends

received_749283238491535FOR THE REINDEER NOSE:

1. take the rope close to one end and make 4 loops around your four fingers

2. spread your fingers in the middle to make 4 loops perpendicular to the first loops

3. place a marble in the center

4. make another 4 loops oposite those loops (there has to be loops on each side of the marble)

5. tighten it up to create a ball, paint it red and glue on top of the nose like shown:


this project has brought my whole class together like never before and for the first time in our long school career we worked as a team. it has been a pleasure to do this project and leave something at the school to remind them of the 2015 graduates


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